Newton’s Third Law for a Freelancer’s Zero to CEO​

Karen Crystal
Sep 29, 2021


For every freelancer’s action​
toward a subject,​

the freelancer experiences​
a corresponding reaction​

that’s equal in magnitude​
and opposite in direction,​

i.e., toward the freelancer.​


For example,​

when a freelancer expresses interest​
toward a prospect,​

the prospect expresses​
the same amount of interest​

toward the freelancer.​


Lesson 1:​

Give what you want to receive.​
Give value, and you will receive value.​


Lesson 2:​

If you want to be interesting, first be interested.​

Sincerely express your interest in a prospect,​
and the prospect will sincerely express interest back.​

P.S. Unless they choose to rebel against the laws of Physics. 😆​


#Physics #ZerotoCEO #ThePhysicsofZerotoCEO #NewtonsLaws #Freelancing #FirstLove #LastLove #PhysicsWednesdays



Karen Crystal

Writes to make crazy ideas feel less overwhelming | veganism, Adventism, web3, blockchain, play2earn, NFT, physics | For inquiries: